• chevron_rightWhat it is a Homeowners Association?
    An Homeowners Association (HOA) is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&R's, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online under the Governing Documents Tab on the Home Page. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
  • chevron_rightWhat are CCRS?
    The CC&Rs, or Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, is a recorded document and is a legally binding. This means that when you purchase a lot or a home in a HOA, you automatically become a member of the HOA. Basically, the CC&Rs are the rules of your neighborhood.
    The CCR's is where you will find information about maintenance responsibility, architectural rulings, insurance requirements, violations and hearings, AND MORE.
    The CCR's for the association may be viewed online under the Governing Documents Tab of the Home Page.
  • chevron_rightWhat are Bylaws?
    The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online under the Documents and Forms Tab of the Home Page.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the "Reserves" in the Budget?
    What the Association's Reserves?
    The Association has two types of bank accounts: Operating and Reserves. You can think of these like your Checking and Savings Account, where the Operating is your day to day bills like - water and electric, landscaper, stamps, and small maintenance items.
    The Reserves are like your Savings Account, with one caveat - while you can use your Savings Account to save for the new pool you want to install, or getting a tool shed, or expanding your driveway - you can't get NEW things with the Reserves.
    The Reserves are only for maintaining/replacing the items that already exist, not installing new items that weren't there before. These items would be - re-plastering the pool, re-roofing the pool cabana, replacing pool furniture, replacing the playground, repaying the alleyways, replacing the mailboxes, replacing the monument signs. 
    Reserve Study - To help ensure we know what items will need to be replaced, and when, and a relative estimation of the cost of that item, we hire an engineering firm that reviews all the items of the community the HOA is responsible to maintain and replace. They provide a report (or "Reserve Study") that provides all the information, and also details how much money the HOA needs to put into the Reserves each year to ensure we have the money to replace these items when the time comes.
  • chevron_rightHow do I check my account balance?
    You can view your account balance online at www.kuester.com. Once you login to your account using your login and password you will be able to view your account balance by clicking on Account Information. If you do not have your login and password, you will need to register to log in.
  • chevron_rightHow do I pay my assessment online?
    In order to make a payment online you will need to go to www.kuester.com. There are few things that you will need in order to process your payment. You will need your account number, your Association ID, and your Management ID. All of this information is located on your statement. Below is you will find the general information you will need to enter online.

    Management ID: 4502
    Association ID: 0465
    Management Company: Kuester Management Group
    Association Name: Vermillion HOA
    Account Number: This can be found on your statement

    If you have any questions or experience any difficulties when trying to make this payment please contact Kuester Management Group at (803) 802-0004.
  • chevron_rightHow do I sign up for Direct Draft?
    There is a difference between setting up a recurring payment on your kuester.com account and signing up for Direct Draft. 
    If you sign up for recurring payments, this is where a owner has specified a specific amount to be paid from their banking account on a specific day of the month or set dates. This amount will draft from your account, regardless of you account balance.
    If you sign up for Direct Draft (or ACH),  the ACH will draft the balance on the account on the 3rd business day of scheduled assessments. The ACH will not draft while there is a credit balance, however should a time come when your account has a balance, the ACH will draft.
    If you would like to set up recurring payments, you can do this through your bank, or at kuester.com under "Pay Assessments"
  • chevron_rightThe Pool is crowded - will the HOA build another one?
    The shortest answer is probably not.
    Building a new pool is no easy or cheap task. 
    The first thing you have to review is - does the Association have the funds?
    The Association has two types of bank accounts: Operating and Reserves. You can think of these like your Checking and Savings Account, where the Operating is your day to day bills like - water and electric, landscaper, stamps, and small maintenance items.
    The Reserves are like your Savings Account, with one caveat - while you can use your Savings Account to save for the new pool you want to install, or getting a tool shed, or expanding your driveway - you can't get NEW things with the Reserves.
    The Reserves are only for maintaining/replacing the items that already exist, not installing new items that weren't there before. These items would be - re-plastering the pool, re-roofing the pool cabana, replacing pool furniture, replacing the playground, repaving the alleyways, replacing the mailboxes, replacing the monument signs. So we can't use Reserve funds to build a new pool (or other Community Amenity). 
    If the Operating Account has enough funding, the Association then has to look at location.
    Does the HOA already own land that we can build the amenity on? While the Association owns land, most of it is deeded with restrictions due to a utility easement, or a water retention pond. If the Association does not already own land that can be utilized, then the options are very limited, as most of the community would want a pool that is INSIDE the community, and purchasing land is an additional cost to building the pool/amenity facility.
    Unless the HOA has the means of building a new amenity, then the only way would be for either the Developer would have the pool built, or we would have to do a Special Assessment on all the homeowners to pay for the new amenity.
  • chevron_rightWhere can I obtain the approved For Sale/Rent signage for Vermillion
    All signage for Vermillion must be the in the format approved by the Architectural Control Committee. You can located pricing and design information by clicking here.
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a street light out?
    If you need to report a street light that is out or is in need of repair you can report this directly to ElectriCities at (704-948-0550).  This work order will be submitted directly to Duke Energy and you will receive a confirmation by email that your request is being processed and the expected response time.
  • chevron_rightHow do I replace my mailbox key?
    If you have a mailbox at the Vermillion Post Office across from Harvey's, you may lose your key at some point, or your lock will stop working. 
    Click Here to order a new Lock and Key set. 
    Click Here to order a Key Blank to have a copy made


    You will need to coordinate with the United States Postal Service, to access your mailbox so you can change the lock and key. 


    To change the lock, you will need a small Phillips head screwdriver to remove and install the lock.


    If you have tenants, it is recommended that you have an additional key, in case the tenant moves without leaving the mailbox keys.

  • chevron_rightHow do I replace a dead street tree?
    Submit a request via the Architectural Request link - https://kuester1.formstack.com/forms/arcgeneral 
    Complete and submit the ARC application.
    Once approved, you will be notified on the Species and Size of tree the replacement should be.
  • chevron_rightWho should I contact to repair my Garage Door?
    Garage doors are one of those exterior items that receives the brunt of life's day to day activities. 
    It's also one of those items that for some homes, are one of the most visible features of the home, and you may get a letter asking you to clean or repair the door if it's dirty and/or damaged. 
    If your garage door starts getting a dark grey or black streak down the middle - this is indicative that the belt is starting to wear and bits of the belt dust is starting to stain the garage door. Most times, you can wash this with a scouring pad (or "eraser"). If that measure doesn't work, you may need to paint the garage door. 
    Regardless of which option works, it is recommended that you inspect the garage door belt for defects and determine if it needs to be replaced.
    If your garage door has seen one too many awry basketballs, cars backing into it, or other bits of life, it may have dings and dents. Depending on the size and location of these dents, you (or a garage door repairman) may be able to repair these dents. Internet has a lot of information and videos about repairing garage door dents with compressed air.
    But unfortunately sometimes it still doesn't work and you need to call in a professional to repair or replace the garage door panels. Most vendors are able to replace the individual panels and you don't have to replace the entire door. 
    Below is a list of vendors that homeowners have recommended to their neighbors 


    Phone Number

    Email / Website

    Garage Door Doctor

    (704) 705-8444


    Carolina Garage Door Services

    Contact: Brian Williams

    (704) 412-9022

    (434) 665-7150 (cell)


    Garage Door Guru

    (704) 661-9070


    Steve’s Garage Door Repair

    (803) 209-1177


  • chevron_rightI received a violation letter - what do I do?
    If you receive a letter notifying you of a compliance issue on your lot - please attempt to address it within 5-10 days. 
    It is also best to contact the Management Company and inform them that you took care of the issue, that you plan to complete by a certain date - or that you disagree with what the letter says.
    The letter you receive will inform you of how to contact the Management Company.
    In Vermillion, there are 5 Stages of letters that are mailed to Homeowners. Depending on the severity of the issue - Stage 1 or 2 may be skipped. If the issue continues, the stages will escalate.
    Stage 1 - Covenant Reminder: There are a lot of rules when living in an HOA. Some rules may be more obvious than others. Maybe you forgot the rule this one time, or didn't have a chance to take care of it. We understand that, but we don't know everyone in the community - so we don't know if everyone knows certain rules. So we send a Reminder to make them aware there is a Rule, and their Lot isn't following the Rule.
    Stage 2 - Notice of Violation: If the Issue does get fixed, or gets worse, or is only fixed for a while and happens again (within 6 months) - we send a Violation Notice. This letter lets them know that the issue needs to be fixed immediately, or needs to not reoccur again.
    Stage 3 - Notice of Hearing: If the Issue continues, the Homeowner will receive a Hearing Letter - notifying them that they have been called before the Board of Directors. The Hearing Letter will give a Date/Time and Location of when the Hearing is scheduled.
    At the Hearing, the Homeowner will be given the opportunity to present their case to the Board of Directors as to why they did not follow the rules. Depending on time limits and nature of the issue, the Homeowner may be given 3 to 10 minutes to explain the Issue to the Board.
    Stage 4 - Hearing Results Notice: At the Hearing, the Board will not provide their final decision. The hearing is a time for you to present your case. Afterwards the Board will deliberate the Issue in Executive Session, and reach a Decision of the Board.
    Their Decision will be provided in the letter. Unless otherwise stated in the letter, the Homeowner will have 5 days to correct the Issue if it was not already corrected at the Hearing. 
    Stage 5 - Notice of Fine: After the 5 days have lapsed, if the Issue persists, the Homeowner will receive a "Fine". Usually this is a monetary Fine that is assessed to their HOA Account, but it could also be suspension of privileges - such as Amenity Access or Voting Rights.
  • chevron_rightTownhome - Insurance Q&A
  • chevron_rightTownhome - What Colors are my Doors?
    Townhome Doors are painted with Sherwin Williams. 
    For a comprehensive list including a Color Swatch - please click here

    If your Door is

    Color Code

    Color Name


    Sherwin Williams SW2839

    Roycroft Copper Red


    Sherwin Williams SW2847

    Roycroft Bottle Green


    Sherwin Williams SW6258

    Tricorn Black


    Sherwin Williams SW2838

    Polished Mahogany


    Sherwin Williams SW7006

    Extra White


    Sherwin Williams SW2803

    Rookwood Terra Cotta


    Sherwin Williams SW2834

    Birdseye Maple